Make Good Money
Doing Calligraphy!
People Love Calligraphy!
Calligraphy is in high demand. Learn calligraphy and design certificates, diplomas, name badges, wedding invitations, posters, signs, logos, greeting cards, etc. Learn from the guy who actually wrote the book on calligraphy!
You could even win a scholarship worth $199!

I'm Jim Bennett. I wrote the best-selling book, Calligraphy For Dummies. I have taught for 36 years and have had over 1000 students. I've also had a profitable art business! My course is the premier course for learning calligraphy.
Calligraphy lessons by Correspondence (distance learning) e-Learning
For a select number of candidates who want to learn calligraphy and see their skills soar to the highest level, I offer my Mastery Course: a series of one-on-one distance learning lessons.

Here's how it works: This homestudy - Correspondence course uses my book, the Internet, e-mail, downloadable materials, online tutorials, videos, Skype, and traditional snail mail to connect you and me. I'll coach you each step of the way. The advantages of learning by this method are: you work at your own pace, and you are not competing with other students; you receive my individualized attention and help as you progress.

You might be asking yourself, how can you learn calligraphy by correspondence? Is it even possible? To answer that question, allow me to relate the history of this course.

Thirty years ago, I was hired by a community college to design and teach a calligraphy by correspondence course. I confess I was skeptical, but, much to my surprise and delight, the students in my correspondence course did incredibly well - just as well as students I taught in a classroom! That was the beginning of this course. Now, with the publication of my book (as a textbook) together with the popularization of the Internet, online videos, and especially e-mail, my correspondence course has become even better.
Calligraphy lessons by Correspondence, e-learning, distance learningCalligraphy lessons by Correspondence, e-learning, distance learning
You will learn how to make letters exactly like these!

Whether you want to develop a business and earn an income with your new skill or simply want to write calligraphy for personal reasons, I know of no more affordable or more powerful way than my personal and in-depth lessons where you progress at your own pace, at your own schedule, without leaving your home.

Calligraphy can be a great home-based business. CLICK HERE to see 5 reasons why. Also, many of my students do other crafts such as scrapbooking. Calligraphy adds an extra dimension to their crafts.

IBCIM.ORG Merchant Certified Seal of Approval  The regular tuition for my five-lesson Mastery Course is only $199.00. That's less than $40 a lesson. What's more, you could win a scholarship which will either greatly reduce the cost or cover the full tuition!

Note: If you have talent & a desire to learn but cannot afford my lessons, you could win a full scholarship to pay your entire tuition!
To apply for a scholarship CLICK HERE!

My Guarantee - after completing just 5 lessons with me, you'll be doing real calligraphy! You'll have people begging you to do calligraphy for them.

People often ask about the cost of supplies. Well, calligraphy requires only a few supplies - a book, pens, ink, and paper - so the supplies for my course are really affordable, ranging in price from a total investment of $40 to $80, depending on how many different kinds of pens you want to use. That's all! To see my recommended supplies CLICK HERE.

Here is what you get with my course:

Lesson 1- Covers chapters 1 - 4 in my book which includes information on getting started correctly, selecting the right materials, and the basics of the Italic alphabet. I'll introduce you to the “trace and copy” method. Using my book, plus a wealth of additional materials I will send you, and viewing my instruction videos online, you will learn the Italic lower-case letters and practice them until you’re happy with the results. During the lessons we will communicate by e-mail. Then you simply mail, fax or scan and send me your work for a personal, in-depth critique.
calligraphy home-study courseI'll guide you step-by-step so you master everything you need to know to excel at calligraphy, from the right materials to the proper pen hold to the formation of the letters.

Lesson 2- Chapter 5 in my book. I will teach you about the use and care of one of your most important tools: a broad-edge fountain pen. You will also learn the Italic upper-case letters, numbers, and punctuation. We will be in communication by e-mail during the lessons. Again, you send me your work, and I will send you back a thorough critique to help you grow. The illustration below shows the elegant Italic alphabet.

calligraphy home-study course

Lesson 3- Chapters 6 & 7. I will explain the 5-S method (stroke, shape, size, slant, spacing) for evaluating and perfecting your calligraphy. I will teach you how to create flourishes as well as how to use Italic in handwriting. And as before, I will give you an extended critique of your work.

Lesson 4- Chapter 8. I will teach you how to letter the Blackletter lower-case alphabet with trace and copy exercises. You will be selecting a quotation and designing it in Italic. Once again, after I receive your work I will write an extended critique. The illustration below shows the very formal and ornate Blackletter alphabet.
calligraphy home-study course

Lesson 5- Several selections from my book. You will learn all about using a dip pen and lettering the Blackletter upper case alphabet, as well as various methods for drawing guide-lines. As always, I will write you a critique of your work and include specific steps you can take to advance to the professional level.

To view my 3-minute video introduction CLICK HERE

Then I'd like to send you more information explaining what you'll get out of my course and the 3 simple steps you can take to begin learning calligraphy.

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"I believe if you can write, you can do calligraphy!"

An Example of A Quotation I Did in Calligraphy

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Calligraphy lessons online by Correspondence, e-learning, distance learning
Copyright 2013, Jim Bennett,,